Day 1: Today… I Pledge
It hit me like a ton of bricks, and even now my feeling of dissatisfaction defies simple explanation. I’m not even sure if it’s dissatisfaction. Maybe it’s discontent? Maybe even disgust? No… not disgust. I’m not sure what it is, but this morning as I laid in silence waiting for daylight to appear, the reality of my age created a sudden sense of urgency… Time waits for no one, and though the tender age of 29 is yet still young, I would bet that most people around my age would agree — it seems like only yesterday when we were just entering the first decade of adulthood. Based on this experience, I can only assume that the next decade will yield the same result. Therefore… when I’m 40, 50, 60 and so on… there will always be a moment when I will be able to begin a statement with, “It seems just like only yesterday, when …” But today… today, I can decide if those moments of reminiscence will be filled with regret or applause.
One of my idols, Pat Summit wrote in her New York Times Business Bestselling book, Reach for the Summit, “never wait ’til next year.” I read that book at the age of only 16, and though I thought of the lessons then as they applied to my high school basketball goals; they apply today just as much as they did then. So… this year I pledge to move forward and not wait ’til next year.
I’ve always been extremely driven, organized, and goal-oriented. Because of these traits, amongst others, I’ve accomplished many things. Amongst those things were graduating from a U.S News & World Report top 25 ranking public national university, obtaining a six-figure income, and marrying the love of my life. Some would say that this is the American dream, but my vision is larger. There are some things that I have yet to accomplish.
Project 360Five is a pledge to myself, so here goes…
I, Lakeita Greene, solemnly swear, in the presence of my readers/followers, to wholeheartedly invest my attention, efforts and time into changing the pace of my life as it relates to my health and fitness, network and career, spiritual growth and education over the next 365 days.
I invite you to hold me accountable, to comment, to challenge me, or even join me. Let’s see what can happen in 365 days.